Ensemble for One

Genesis of the Opera Born out of an original idea from Claudio Santangelo, the piece was dedicated to Japan in response to the unforgettable catastrophy of the 03/11/2011, a date that holds great significance in the heart of the Eastern commuinity and that the world...

Sonus Duo & Orchestra

“Sonus Duo and Orchestra” is a proposal that fully represents the main idea of the duo: accompanying the public on an authentic stylistic and musical path that starts from classical music up to modern music. In this program we will see the soloists in...

Chamber Music

Autori Vari: I Grandi Classici Arr. C.Santangelo – S.Delle Donne C. Debussy: Chiaro di Luna Arr. C.Santangelo – S.Delle Donne C. Gardel: Por una Cabeza Arr. C.Santangelo – S.Delle Donne Autori Vari: Opere d’In”Canto” Arr. C.Santangelo –...


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